First Responder Electrical Safety Training
Electrical hazards aren’t always easy to detect and can be fatal. Our Public Safety Training Team is committed to helping first responders learn to identify electrical hazards so they can safely handle emergencies in our communities.
We offer free, on-site training to first responder organizations, including police, fire and emergency medical services groups. The training includes videos and hands-on demonstrations. Continuing Education Hours (CEH) are available to those who participate.
The program covers:
Recent electrical incidents
Basic electrical terminology
Grounding and ground current fault interruption (GFCI)
Electrical shock/electrocution
Arc flash/arc blast
Response to various emergencies
Touch potential
Step potential
Car/pole incidents
Equipment contacts
Structure fires
Pole fires
How to contact us and what we need for information
The program runs approximately 2 hours, depending on class participation. Discussion and questions are encouraged.
We work to conduct classes during departments’ regularly scheduled training sessions, and encourage interested groups to invite other local departments to maximize reach.